After losing my mother to a terminal illness in June of 2011, I struggled, for the first time in my life, with finding joy. Starting a blog is my way of letting go of the grief, and at the same time, celebrating everything for which I am deeply grateful: my four talented and loving siblings, my loyal and supportive husband, my three precious children, and my incredible network of friends.
Although born in Colorado, I was raised in San Antonio, Texas, where my father had decided to retire after a 30 year career in the army. When I left San Antonio in 1993 to move to Arizona for graduate school, I never imagined I would eventually take up permanent residence in Phoenix. At Thunderbird (The American Graduate School of International Management), I was known around campus simply as “Texas”. As I look back upon those days now, it is hard to believe that I have been in Arizona for 20 years, more years than I lived in Texas. Knowing I will always have a foot planted in each state, my personality reflects much of the West Coast, while always remaining true to my roots. My hope is for y’all to find inspiration and joy in the Texaztaste posts. Enjoy!